On-Shelf Availability (OSA)

On-Shelf Availability (OSA)

Refers to the presence of products in their designated location within a store, ensuring they are readily accessible for customers to purchase.

Unlike the broader term “in-stock,” which indicates that an item is present somewhere within the retail environment, OSA focuses on items being correctly placed on the sales floor where they are expected to be found by consumers. Retailers and suppliers monitor OSA through retail software systems or through physical checks by third-party service providers to ensure products are not just in the store but are also in the right spot on the shelves. High OSA rates are crucial for optimizing customer satisfaction by minimizing the frustration of not finding what the store supposedly has in stock.

Related Terms

Incremental Revenue

Represents the additional profit generated by a business as a result of increased sales volume. It

Bulk Stacking

Optimal way to story inventory in a vertical manner when there is large quantities or excess