Protect Your Brand Online From MAP Violations

Monitor the prices at which third-party sellers sell your product and track any MAP violators simultaneously. Use our MAP monitoring software to receive alerts on changes in minimum price.

Ensure Brand Protection. Evade Price Erosion.

Minimum advertised price monitoring in real-time
Tracking MAP manually at all times is next to impossible. Automate the MAP price monitoring process of capturing price changes in product listings at a delivery cadence of your choice. Spot third-party sellers who sell your product below the minimum price set.

Establish price parity across online marketplaces
Most violations happen with Amazon MAP pricing. Keep an eye on deep discounts that resellers offer, resulting in your product selling below the MAP price. Build positive brand-reseller relationships and eliminate violations with up-to-date MAP compliance monitoring reports.

Detect pricing violations and receive on-time alerts
E-commerce MAP monitoring doesn’t have to get you stressed. Track and identify authorized and unauthorized sellers at the SKU level who violate your MAP policy. Prevent unauthorized sellers from selling your products and receive timely alerts on the violators. Configure the frequency of alerts based on the amount of attention needed