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How to Reduce the Cart Abandonment Rate with Reviews?

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On average, over three-quarters of online shoppers abandon their carts without completing a purchase. Consequently, e-commerce stores lose billions in sales revenue every year because of cart abandonment.

Brands facing abandoned carts practice various recovery tactics such as email reminders, exit-intent or incentive popups with limited-time discount coupons, and retargeting ads on social media. 

MetricsCart’s review monitoring service leads brands to conversion by enabling them to craft vital marketing messages via user-generated content.

How Brands Can Reduce Cart Abandonment Rate Using Reviews?

There is no denying the fact that reviews influence buying decisions. If your product quality is excellent, using social proof is an easy way to win back customers.

The image shows four ways in which reviews reduce cart abandonment rates

Here is how e-commerce reviews help to reduce cart abandonment rate:

Reassure Hesitant Shoppers

At times, customers feel reluctant to purchase a new brand. This is most common when a customer’s go-to product is out of stock, and they are looking for a substitute. 

The prominent presence of reviews on product pages imparts reassurance to potential buyers, reducing customers’ hesitation to buy the product and the likelihood of cart abandonment. 

If the reviews are recent and if other customers vouch for the quality and worth of the product, the possibility of cart abandonment due to uncertainty is significantly reduced. A listing is considered more credible if it is from verified purchasers. 

Credible reviews enhance your product’s visibility and build trust with potential buyers. A higher number of reviews can influence buying decisions, leading to increased conversions, better rankings in search results, and, ultimately, more significant revenue.

Sellers and brands can improve their ranking in search results and increase conversions by getting more reviews on Amazon. The e-commerce giant has the Amazon Vine Program to assist registered new brands in getting the initial 30 reviews.

READ MORE | Want to learn the importance of ratings and review monitoring? Explore our article Product Rating and Review Monitoring on the Digital Shelf.

Respond to Customer Posting Negative Reviews

When potential buyers find answers to their concerns about a product in reviews, they may feel more confident in completing the purchase.

If brands proactively reply to negative reviews and address customers’ queries, it prompts an emotional response in customers. They become more invested in the product, reducing the chance of an abandoned cart. 

READ MORE | Want a few tips on how to tackle negative reviews? Learn about Responding To Negative Reviews on Amazon: A Seller’s Guide.

Reduce Return Rate Anxiety

Many shoppers abandon their carts because they fear the hassle of returns. 

Feedback that mentions easy returns or positive experiences with customer service can alleviate these concerns, encouraging customers to complete their purchases. Photo and video reviews give customers a story to relate to. 

Addressing the concern related to cart abandonment in the product description by showcasing more relatable products in the real world and tangibly highlighting their value can help reduce product returns. 

Brands that align their messaging and presentation with customer expectations and highlight features that resonate most with other buyers nudge potential customers to reduce their hesitation to make a purchase and proceed to checkout. 

READ MORE | What is Customer feedback analysis? Learn about Customer Feedback Analysis in E-Commerce: The Must-Know Aspects for Brands.

Fill Product Information Gaps for Customers

Customers may have many questions about the product benefits that are not necessarily included in the product description. 

Reviews can fill in these gaps. Addressing the purchase intent barrier through positive reviews gives customers confidence in their choices and enhances the product’s perceived value. 

Reviews that compare similar products in a category can influence shoppers’ purchase decisions. For instance, customers are less likely to abandon their carts out of hesitation if they read user feedback that includes positive and minor issues related to the product beforehand. 

READ MORE | Did you know social media and hyper-personalized ads encourage consumers to make more impulse purchases? Dive into our article on Online Impulse Buying: Reasons and How Retailers Can Incentivize

How Monitoring Reviews Can Reduce Lost Sales from Abandoned Carts?

E-commerce reviews are a powerful metric that addresses uncertainties that often lead to cart abandonment. 

Monitoring reviews provides insights on how to set correct expectations and reduce cart abandonment due to uncertainty. Highlighting the product’s quality and customer satisfaction can reassure potential buyers and make them more inclined to proceed to checkout, reducing abandonment rates.

Let’s connect for review monitoring on the digital shelf and work toward improving your business’s bottom line.

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