Product Detail Page (PDP)

Product Detail Page (PDP)

A product detail page is a web page on an eCommerce website that provides information regarding a specific product. This information includes everything related to the product variant, such as size, color, price, shipping information, reviews, and other relevant information customers want to know before purchasing. It often integrates high-resolution images or videos to give a closer look, includes customer reviews and ratings for trust-building, and may feature a Q&A section where potential buyers can get additional clarifications. PDPs also suggest related products or accessories, enhancing shopping experience and encouraging additional purchases. Moreover, they are optimized for search engines to attract traffic, and designed with user-friendly layouts to facilitate easy navigation and decision-making. Interactive elements like size guides, color swatches, and virtual try-on options are increasingly common, making these pages more engaging and personalized for the shopper.

Related Terms

CPG manufacturing

In the Consumer Packaged Goods industry, the term “CPG company” typically denotes manufacturers within the sector.

Loyalty program

A initiative by a company to incentivize repeat purchases and customer loyalty by offering rewards, discounts,